Alcolase sample measurement in lab

An easy to use supplement

Alcohol intolerance can turn a social occasion into a discomforting experience. For many, even a small amount of alcohol can lead to unpleasant symptoms like headaches, nausea, and flushed skin. This can be frustrating and isolating, impacting one's ability to enjoy gatherings with friends and family.

Alcolase is developing an easily usable, scientifically sound supplement developed for alcohol intolerance.

Our goal is to provide a solution for individuals who struggle with alcohol intolerance. Our supplement aims to support the body's natural processes, helping to restore comfort, allowing everyone to fully participate in social events without worry.

Alcolase is a novel supplement developed in Denmark specifically to help people with alcohol intolerance. The supplement is based on a novel enzyme system and an enzyme-stabilizing technology that delivers enzymes to the stomach in order to break down toxic aldehyde. The mechanism is inspired by enzymes used for lactose intolerance.

How it works - The steps

How the Alcolase supplement works - Step 1
Ethanol formula


When you drink, your body turns alcohol into a harmful substance called acetaldehyde. For some people with alcohol intolerance, their bodies struggle to break down this acetaldehyde properly. This leads to uncomfortable symptoms like flushing, nausea, headaches, and a fast heartbeat, making socialising after drinking a real challenge. Unfortunately, even staying hydrated doesn't make these symptoms go away, because their bodies just aren't equipped to handle lots of acetaldehyde.

How the Alcolase supplement works - Step 2
Alcolase alcohol intolerance support supplement


The Alcolase supplement contains special enzymes that work to break down the harmful compound before your body produces it when you drink. We use advanced technology to make sure these enzymes reach your stomach where they're needed most. By doing this, Alcolase helps your body handle alcohol better, so you can enjoy socialising without feeling unwell afterwards.

How the Alcolase supplement works - Step 3


Aiding your alcohol metabolism sets you up for a more comfortable night out.